Securing your RV

30 Jun Securing your RV

Many of you may worry about your RV’s security from time to time. Whether you’re camping, or parked at home for the season, your RV may have valuables you will want to keep secure. Propane tanks, camping gear, or the coveted full cooler, are critical to ensuring a wrinkle-free camping trip.

Your most vulnerable lock is on the exterior compartments. Most people don’t realize that 90% of RV’s sold in North America use the same key for accessory compartments. It’s a standard key and a common cut. As a locksmith in retail I learned to memorize the cuts of the RV key to easily replace worn compartment keys for customers.

The main door of your RV is also prone to attack, and it may seem more secure than your compartments, but flimsy construction can make this just as easy to bypass. While the keys vary more than the side compartments, it’s very easy for even an inexperienced lock picker to open.

With a small amount of retro-fitting your RV can greatly increase in security and provide you with peace of mind while out hiking or leaving your RV unattended for periods of time. your local locksmith to discuss options, but even these small additions I suggest in this article will go a long way.

A common addition I see on many RV’s is the installation of a standard home deadbolt. If your RV door and door frame permits, a deadbolt will add just as much security as your home locks. While your door is still quite weak due to lightweight construction, the visual of a beefy deadbolt on the side will deter criminals.

As for the side compartments, you can bring your locks into a locksmith to have your current locks rekeyed. This will prevent the universal RV key from opening the lock. But the lock is still easily picked or pried open. The hole the lock sits in can be stripped or the lock itself can be broken.

What I like to recommend is the installation of a hasp and padlock. It won’t be as pretty as the standard RV locks, but having the image of security is a great deterrent. The person looking to break in will seek out another RV instead of yours if you’ve taken steps to secure it further.  Make sure to keep the original locks on the doors as you will want to keep the padlocks off the door during travel, so they don’t bounce around in transit and scratch up your paint.

A large bundle of keys is a common annoyance with RV owners. But have no fear, this added security may actually lighten the keychain. Make sure your locksmith orders all your padlocks keyed alike. And to take it a step further, for an added cost, you can even get your padlocks keyed up to a common house key. You can match the padlocks to the deadbolt on the main door, or take it a step further and make your RV on the same key as your home.

These are small, inexpensive security tips to help save a headache down the road. your local locksmith to find your best solution.

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